At the 2024 Annual General Meeting, it was announced that John Leighton was stepping down from his role as web-master. This role includes keeping the web-site up-to-date, along with printing pennant score cards and comment cards, displaying up-to-date ladders in the clubrooms, and a myriad of other activities. John has created “magical” spreadsheets to automate many processes, making his role simpler each year. How we are going to duplicate his expertise is our immediate challenge.
So…. if something appears wrong, or you think something is missing, it is definitely NOT John’s problem. Don’t contact him.
You may, however, contact Jeff Lander, and civilly and supportively advise him of your concerns. He is still becoming more familiar with the role, so don’t necessarily expect an immediate correction. It will happen as quickly as he is able to do it.
And please, if you have a story, a photo, or anything else that you think would enhance our web-site, please get in touch.